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The Faculty of Economics is ranked fourth in the KDMI University level event. in the competition two Office Administration Education Study Program students, namely Larasati (2016) and Dwi Indah Arta (2017) became students representing the faculty. Th
Selection for faculty level Indonesian Student Debate Competition was held on March 16, 2018. from the results of the selection, three students representing the faculty were selected to compete at the University level. Two of them are students of the
On March 13, 2018, a selection for the Department of Indonesian Student Debate Competition was held. Based on the results of the selection, two students from the Office Administration Education Study Program were selected to be representatives of the
In accordance with the goals of higher education, the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (Ditjen Belmawa) establishes a pattern of student development to provide a platform for the development of the potential of students to become h
Today, Monday 6 March 2018 a guest lecture is held with the theme "Boost Your Productivity: Studying and Working", with the speaker Mr. Andik Top from Inspira Malang. The purpose of holding this guest lecture is as a provision for Office Administrati
Public Speaking is oral communication in the form of speeches, lectures, presentations, and other types of public speaking (the crowd). Public Speaking is also defined as "public speaking" which means speaking in front of a crowd as well. Student of