Visiting Lecture with PT. Samudra Intan Pacifik’s Owner

On Tuesday (30/11/2021), a visiting lecture was
held by Office Administration Education Study Program of Department of Economic
Education, Faculty of Economics and Business, State University of Surabaya. The
visiting lecture was held as the part of Public Relations subjects
participation event, titled “Success Tips to Attract Business Partners through
Stunning Business Presentations” with Mrs. Hj. Dina Ernita Sari S.E., M.Pd. as
the source person who is the practitioner lecturer, and the owner of PT.
Samudra Intan Pacifik as the one of the shipping companies in Surabaya. This
event is held occasionally for Office Administration Education to increase
knowledge and experience from guest lecturer and can be as one of the chances to
discuss directly with the source person about the material given. The event was
held online through zoom meeting where students can easily join the event even
from home, led by Rendy Dwi Adi Putra as the Master of Ceremony and Risna Dewi
Nur Haliza as the moderator. Before the event began, there was the opening
ceremony given by Dr. Siti Sri Wulandari S.Pd., M.Pd. as to substitute Mrs.
Triesninda Pahlevi S.Pd., M.Pd. who couldn’t attend the event. The theme of
this event is interesting because it is related to Public Relations subject
which is to increase the students’ ability and experience in presenting
business which can attract the business partners that they might have in their
future jobs. With these interesting tips given, it is hoped that it can lead to
a better future in students’ job careers. Mrs. Hj. Dina Ernita Sari S.E., M.Pd.
has given an interesting material and information throughout the event. The
students were enthusiastically asking questions related to business
presentation and discussing it together directly with the source person. With
this visiting lecture event being held, the students must have their knowledge
gained once more and hope for more interesting lecture in the future, without
making online meetings as the main problems because knowledge can be gained
everywhere with the advanced technology we have.