Visiting Lecturer with ANRI Coordinator

This Tuesday, (9/11/2021) a visiting lecturer
was held by Office Administration Education Study Program titled Archive
Digitalization. The lecturer was held through online which the participants of
Office Administration Education students can participate through Zoom meeting
and led by Iqbal Hanif Rohmatullah as the MC and Erlintang Dwi Crisliyani as
the event moderator. This visiting lecturer is one of the activities that held
periodically in the study program by inviting guest lecturers from outside of
university to increase the knowledge of Office Administration Education students.
This time, the lecturer was held by inviting Dr. Rudi Andri Syahputra, S.S.,
M.A. who is the part of Regional Archives Substance Group Coordinator II B and
the part of National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI), with the
presence of Triesninda Pahlevi, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the Head of Office Administration
Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business of State University
of Surabaya. The lecture was interesting because it is related to Office
Administration Education study program which learns about digital archiving. As
the technology evolving from time to time, the digitalization in archive is one
of the best ways to solve the conventional problems that is not in line with
the technology development. Even with the digitalization, some of the very old
archives are kept conventionally in archive museums all around the world as Dr.
Rudi have shown the documentary of him and his team visiting the archive
museums in Italy and Netherlands. Dr. Rudi has also shown the Srikandi as the Integrated
Dynamic Archival Information System (Sistem Informasi Kearsipan Dinamis
Terintegrasi). The students were participating actively and discussed
thoroughly with the source person. With the ease of visiting lecturer that can
be held online, the students and participants can ask about any doubts and questions
directly to the source person easily. Therefore, it is hoped that this visiting
lecturer can increase the knowledge of Office Administration Education students
about digital archives and can be useful in the future jobs.