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Congratulations to the winners of the 2017 Office Administration Olympiad, here is the complete list: 1st place was won by SMKN 1 Malang; 2nd place was won by SMKN 2 Pacitan; 3rd place was won by SMK PGRI Jember. Champion 1 was won by SMK Diponegoro
Competence (competence) The current trend is that companies choose secretaries with undergraduate degrees (S1) for various reasons, including that secretarial and administrative tasks can be completed by anyone, including those who do not even have a
office administration education curriculum workshop discusses the synchronization of core office administration courses, located at the Maxone hotel, Jakarta on 17-18 November 2017. With participation in this workshop, it is hoped that a link and mat
The FE Unesa Office Administration Education study program, on September 18 2017 held a Public Relations Workshop with the concept of table manner at the Best-Western Papilio Surabaya Hotel in this activity students are required to wear clothes like
Today, October 7, 2017 at the Faculty of Economics, the Office Administration Education Study Program is holding the Office Administration Olympiad in East Java. This Olympiad is the first office administration event held by FE Unesa. The interest of
This international conference was held on 3 August 2017 at Universitaw Pendidikan Indonesia. the purpose of holding this conference is as a means of sharing publications and research results between educators, researchers, students, practitioners and